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Most Americans rely heavily on their car. Without it, getting around town is simply too difficult. As such, we should know that some traffic violations don’t just come with fines. They can lead to an immediate suspension of your driving privileges. Before you unknowingly commit a violation that can prohibit you from getting behind the wheel, here are five infringements that could cost you your driver’s license on the spot:

  • Reckless driving
  • Driving without Insurance
  • Hitting a points threshold
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Driving under the influence (DUI or OVI)

Reckless driving is a serious offense that goes beyond speeding.

It includes street racing, weaving through traffic, or driving way over the speed limit. If a police officer determines you’re putting others at serious risk, you could face an immediate suspension. Again, it’s not just about speeding: Any dangerous driving that shows disregard for safety can lead to this consequence.

While the average cost of full coverage car insurance is now $2,543 a year, most states require drivers to carry at least liability coverage.

If you’re pulled over and can’t provide proof of state minimum insurance, you could face an immediate license suspension. Driving without insurance is considered a major offense because it puts other drivers at risk if you cause an accident and can’t cover the damages.

Every state has a points system for traffic violations.

If you accumulate too many points on your driving record in a short period, your license can be suspended. In my state of Ohio, for example, drivers who accumulate 12 or more points within two years get slapped with a suspension. Speeding tickets, running red lights, and other moving violations add up quickly. Keep an eye on your driving record to avoid this issue.

If you’re involved in an accident and leave the scene without exchanging information or reporting it to the police, you’re committing a hit-and-run.

In Ohio, for instance, if you “hot and skip,” you face jail time, hundreds in fines, and a minimum 6-month license suspension. Whether it’s a minor fender bender or a serious crash, leaving the scene is a big deal.

Getting caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is one of the fastest ways to lose your license.

If you’re pulled over and found to be over the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or impaired by drugs, officers can suspend your license immediately. In many states, refusing a breathalyzer test can also result in an automatic suspension. This is what happened to Justin Timberlake this summer in New York, for instance.

Stay safe, drive responsibly, and avoid these major traffic violations to keep your driver’s license in good standing.