6 Free Hot Shot Load Boards for Pickup Trucks
Trucks can be great for many situations, and while the average truck owner uses their vehicle for their own personal needs, pickup trucks can earn money, too. This is because, while most logistics are carried out by semi-trucks, pickup trucks, especially heavy-duty versions, can do some of that work, too. Here’s a look at six free hot shot load board accessories that pickup truck owners can surf around on.
Updated: 10/28
What are hot shot load boards anyway?
As GoShare wrote, most hot shot loads are LTL, which stands for “less than load.” What that means is that it’s a load that won’t fill up a container. This allows something smaller than a semi-truck to haul around an LTL, such as trucks and larger cars. However, like truckers in a semi-truck, somebody hauling around an LTL can get paid for their work.
More often than not, this is due to the owner-operator of that pickup truck surfing around on a hot shot load board. A load board is simply a place where owner-operators of a truck can find loads to haul around for pay. Meanwhile, a hot shot load board is a load board that has hot shot loads available, which means that some pickup truck owners can get in on that action. Some load boards aren’t free, though, but here’s a look at a few that are.
1. Trucker Path
According to Commercial Capital, Trucker Path is one of the best free load boards out there. To be clear, Trucker Path isn’t specialized for hot shot loads. Instead, it offers many types of loads that truckers can get on. There are currently over 800 brokers and 150,000 daily loads on Trucker Path, and it features a free app.
2. Trulos is a great free hot shot load board
Commercial Capital says that Trulos is another great free-load board. Just like Trucker Path, though, Trulos doesn’t specialize in hot shot loads, but it certainly offers them. Trulos doesn’t have an app, but it is integrated into another app called Smart Truck Routes.
3. Truckstop load boards
While not entirely free, TopMark says that the website Truckstop is an excellent load board for folks looking to get into the trucking business. As Commercial Capital wrote, it may be worthwhile paying for a premium load board like Truckstop, but, at the very least, Truckstop offers a free demo. It also offers about 500,000 loads off the bat.
4. 123 Loadboard
Another somewhat free load board, 123 Loadboard, also offers a free trial. That being said, 123 Loadboard is an excellent option for many reasons, according to TopMark. Not only does it have an app, but it’s also a very good option for folks who are interested in hot shot loads only. Over 52 million loads are posted on 123 Loadboard annually, and many are hot shot loads.
5. Freight Finder
While the other options have a lot of fancy features and apps and whatnot, Freight Finder is, like TopMark said, more stripped down. It’s a completely free load board, and it does its job of offering loads to folks. Additionally, hot shot loads are available on the site too.
6. Free Freight Search
Last but not least, Free Freight Search certainly lives up to its name. Like Freight Finder, Free Freight Search doesn’t have a lot of fancy stuff going for it. However, what it does have is a ton of loads and a completely free service for folks. Once again, hot shot loads are available on this site as well.