Alligator head found in abandoned Buick–in Florida
What’s the most bizarre thing you could imagine finding inside a used car? A glass eye? A forgotten prosthetic limb? $400k in diamonds? All weird. And all true stories. But none quite top finding a mummified alligator head riding shotgun.
Of course, this bizarre tale comes straight out of Florida. In Delray Beach, local residents reported a suspicious abandoned burgundy Oldsmobile. When police showed up, they found a severed alligator head casually chilling in the front seat.
Now, I’d bet the first thing those officers thought was, “Please don’t let there be a live gator in here.” But they quickly confirmed it was dead as a doornail.
I’m sure the next concern was, How long has that thing been dead? Can you imagine popping open a car that’s been roasting a fresh gator corpse in the Florida sun for a few days? Sounds almost as bad as facing down the live thing.
The officers discovered this wasn’t a fresh gator head. In fact, the reptile skull had been dried out and “mummified,” more like something you’d find at a roadside souvenir shop than a threat lurking in your garage.
After confirming the vehicle was free of live gators (and rotting carcasses), the cops investigated further. Turns out, the Buick belonged to a 23-year-old who had just left it there (according to CBS). The police tracked them down and charged them with—you guessed it—unlawful possession of alligator parts.
Maybe this guy was using it as decoration, or maybe he was planning to start a weird taxidermy side hustle. Either way, it’s safe to say he probably shouldn’t have abandoned the poor critter when he abandoned his car.
So Florida man strikes again—this time with a gator head as his accomplice. Want more weird? Read next about an alligator dangling from an overpass and smashed a truck’s windshield.