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MotorBiscuit ContributorMore articles: SUVs

Barnell Anderson

Barnell Anderson joined the MotorBiscuit team in 2023. After earning a Master of Arts in English from Louisiana Tech University, Barnell found his way into automotive journalism. He’s been writing about the automotive industry since 2021, creating vehicle comparisons and discussing reliability and vehicle safety ratings for various outlets, including HotCars and SlashGear.

Barnell’s curiosity drives him to look beneath the surface of a story to find fresh takes. Inspired by providing a necessary resource to readers researching, for example, their next SUV, Barnell delivers on global topics in the automotive realm. Staying up to date by scouring press releases and keeping track of the market’s most popular vehicles, he strives to update our audience with exciting vehicle news and game-changing models.

Barnell is a music fan and enjoys reality television shows. When stopped at a red light, you may catch him quietly observing the other vehicles on the road on the hunt for unique new story ideas.

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