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Contributing WriterMore articles: Sedans

Rebekah Forsythe

Rebekah Forsythe began contributing content to Endgame360 in 2019 and works primarily with content for MotorBiscuit. She has a certification in Technical Writing along with a background in Creative Writing.

Rebekah’s passion for cars began at an early age. Her father collected Ford Mustangs and she attended car shows with him. She is particularly a fan of older designs of Ford Mustangs and Chevy Corvettes, as well as AMC cars. Rebekah loves learning as much as possible about these cars through books, podcasts, and documentaries.

Aside from her work at Endgame360, Rebekah enjoys reading and collecting diecast models of her favorite cars. She also enjoys watching auto content from Sarah-n-Tuned and SavageGeese on YouTube.

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