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Contributing WriterMore articles: Hybrids & Electrics

Tomika Darden

Tomika Darden started as a contributing writer for MotorBiscuit in 2021. She’s been a freelance writer since 2012. On MotorBiscuit, she focuses primarily on car maintenance and consumer interest angles.

16 posts From Author
Cars submerge needing insurance claims after hurricane Ida came through.

Will Gas Prices Be Affected by Hurricane Ida?

Though for many of us Hurricane Ida is a distant memory, there are still concerns about the long-term effects, and maybe still could. Not only did it raise the risk in new or used car sales, but it also made us worry about the long-term effects of rising gas prices.
A pair of pet dogs in a car on World Animal Day

Is It Illegal to Drive With a Pet on Your Lap?

It isn't uncommon to see someone driving along with a dog looking out the driver's seat window rather than in the back with a pet carrier. However, it does make us question whether driving with a pet on your lap is safe. Beyond that, is driving with a dog in your lap legal or not?
A woman undergoing an eye exam and having her eyes dilated

Is It Illegal to Drive After Getting Your Eyes Dilated?

An eye exam means they will likely dilate your eyes. This procedure affects your eyesight so heavily that you may need help to get home. The question is whether eye dilation is allowed in terms of car safety. So, is it legal to drive after eye dilation?