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Car thieves typically steal over one million vehicles in the United States. Tragically, that means many, many adult American drivers will lose a car to theft. Fortunately, some thieves don’t get away with their crimes. However, a conviction (or multiple) may not be enough to deter a car thief from trying to get away with that stolen car. 

This car thief with multiple convictions thought the best way to arrive at a court-mandated probation meeting was in a stolen car

Have you ever found yourself sliding back into your old habits? Something along the lines of your continuous insistence to visit your favorite salty, artery-clogging fast food joints? Well, for other folks, those habitual tendencies are a bit more, well, problematic. At least it seems to be the case for one convicted car thief who can’t stop having run-ins with the law for boosting rides.

Police in Jefferson County shared details about a Colorado man driving a stolen car. That sort of thing happens. However, this was no typical theft-and-joyride situation. Instead, the car thief in question drove the stolen car to his court-mandated meeting with his probation officer (PO). However, officers at the Jefferson County Courthouse noticed that the man arrived in a, well, suspicious manner. 

That’s right. The convicted car thief arrived at the courthouse to see his probation officer in a stolen car. According to police officers, the man in the stolen car had three prior car theft convictions. To add to the ridiculous nature of the daring maneuver, the car thief’s probation followed his most recent guilty plea and car theft conviction.

Moreover, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office says they stopped the habitual car booster as he exited the elevator at the probation meeting. Incidentally, the officers arrested the man for yet another car theft.

Officers claim that the convicted car thief had “borrowed the car from a “friend’,” per KDVR. However, Sheriff’s Department officers the claim didn’t stop the sticky-fingered driver from the arrest.