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It was a cold January day in Lincoln, Nebraska, when an elderly man decided to swing by Valentino’s pizzeria for some lunch. But instead of parking his Honda Fit, he managed to plow it right through the front door.

Picture this: the door shatters, and the tiny car slips perfectly through the frame, coming to rest in the middle of the crowded lobby. And what does the driver do? He rolls down his window and calmly orders a pizza—because, apparently, that’s just how he rolls.

One of the employees on duty couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “He seemed very calm and collected. I was amazed,” the employee told KOLN-TV. “He wasn’t too upset about it, but it sure was a surprise to us… I would be freaking out!”

An eyewitness backed up the story, adding even more absurdity to the scene. “His foot was stuck on the gas, and he said he was going to go ahead and order some pizza,” the witness recounted to The Telegraph. “It was like he does it every day.”

Fortunately for Valentino’s, the narrow Honda Fit “fit” so well through the door that it didn’t cause any structural damage. But, the debris was enough of a mess that health officials had to shut the place down for the rest of the day. No pizza for you, Lincoln.

First responders were quick to arrive, assessing the man’s condition. Lincoln Fire Department Battalion Chief Leo Benes later told reporters, “We all had concerns—and talked about it en route—that this time of day, this particular eating establishment, the lobby would be full.” Luckily, no one was hurt.

The firefighters noted that the driver appeared “alert,” which seems to be medical jargon for “completely unfazed” after very nearly killing multiple people. He was taken to the hospital for a checkup. No word on whether Valentino’s sent him home with a slice of pepperoni for the road.

Valentino’s, for its part, has since replaced the door and reopened. They’ve politely requested that future customers—especially those in Honda Fits—keep their vehicles in the parking lot.

You can see the aftermath of the crash and interviews for yourself in the video below: