Does Anyone Regret Buying a Jeep Wrangler?
It’s fun, trendy, and totally capable. The idea of having the top down, cruising down the highway has many consumers sold on the Jeep Wrangler before they even sit in one. People sign up for Jeep ownership for a myriad of reasons. Some want the off-road capability. Others need a fun, four-wheel-drive beast to handle their winter seasons. Considering the popularity, we wanted to investigate to find out if anyone had buyer’s remorse. Did anyone regret buying their Jeep Wrangler?
Jeep Wrangler is an entirely different breed all its own
In the SUV category, there is a menu of comparable rides you might consider adding to your driveway. When it comes to Wrangler, while it fits in the class, it’s an entirely different breed of vehicle all its own.
There are years of capable and reliable history from military function, to a recreational lifestyle. There is a Jeep culture that is almost impossible to penetrate. People buy them because of this culture and unique capability, not because of expert reviews. Consumers want to be a part of that culture. They want to tow their fishing boats and jet skis, take the top down, and wave to fellow Jeep lovers.
What people love about their Jeep Wranglers
If you ask Jeep owners what they love most about their Wranglers, they’ll go on and on with a list of reasons. They love being able to tackle any terrain. They enjoy the ‘Jeep hair, don’t care’ culture. Jeep lovers enjoy all the unique features that only Wranglers can bring to the table.
The truth is automakers know that building a rival to Wrangler is futile. There may not be a brand with more loyalty. It’s certainly a tall order to design a vehicle that has two and four-door options, a removable top, and 4×4 monster capability, as well.
Subtle admissions of regret
On the hunt for honest opinions about Jeep Wrangler ownership, Reddit can be a reliable resource. We found threads and comments of enthusiasts defending their purchase. However, there were some who offered subtle admissions of regret after having purchased their Wrangler.
One commenter said she loves her Wrangler for beach and snow but would not want it as a daily driver. Another comment echoed the sentiments by saying, “they do one thing, and they do it fantastically. They’re just not daily drivers.”
There are a few Wrangler owners who regret compromising on speed, since Wranglers typically top out just above 80 mph and can be notably slower overall. One owner bragged his Jeep Wrangler would climb a wall, but highway driving was like trying to fly a brick. Other sentiments regret the gas mileage, half doors, interior noise at highway speeds, and shortcomings of practicality for daily use.
Who should consider alternatives?
If you are seriously looking at SUVs, the Jeep Wrangler may be on your shortlist of vehicles to test-drive. Before you rush out to join the Jeep club, consider the options.
If your primary objective is to have a functional daily driver, with great gas mileage and capability to handle the occasional winter commute, a Wrangler may not be the best fit. If your goal is to drive a fun, off-road, and wind-in-your-hair experience, Wrangler is your best bet.
Really consider how you plan to drive your SUV before you buy it. You’ll want to take into account the cost of ownership, for example. There are AWD and 4WD options that offer excellent gas mileage, that Wrangler can’t match. You’ll want to test-drive everything.
See how each rides and drives in town, on the highway, and with traffic. If much of your drive time is spent in bumper to bumper, you may get burnt out on a manual transmission. If you’re highway driving most of the time, you may be swayed by interior noise. A Wrangler may be the perfect ride for you, but only you can determine your preferences.
The Jeep Wrangler community is one that welcomes newbies with open arms. You’ll love so many aspects of the Jeep life that you won’t mind some of the practical setbacks. Just be sure you understand what all comes with Wrangler ownership, so you don’t have regrets.