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High-speed chases and police pursuits are exciting. I mean, who doesn’t watch the silly, almost always futile act of evading the police in a sensible sedan with anything other than child-like fixation? However, every once in a while, a driver thinks they can elude authorities by acting like nothing’s awry. Such was the case with an LA woman who tried to give police officers the slip by blending in during a pursuit. 

LAPD arrested an unidentified woman driving a stolen Toyota after she attempted to escape a police pursuit by blending in– twice

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) deals with drivers refusing to stop when prompted by officers all the time. After all, it’s one of the largest cities by population and one of the largest police departments in America. Drivers are bound to disobey the cherries and berries from time to time.

In the case of an unnamed woman and her silver Toyota Camry in the San Fernando Valley, stopping was simply out of the question. LAPD officers told KTLA 5 News the driver was driving erratically until parking the car on Arminta Street. 

She quickly hopped out of the car, retrieved a sunshade from the trunk, and used it to cover the windshield. And she waited, attempting to blend in. Like nothing happened. Not her best idea. But better than trying to run in the first place, I suppose.

However, as an LAPD black and white approached, she put the Toyota sedan in drive and took off. The resultant police pursuit slowed down yet again as the driver made a second blend-in attempt. She pulled over on Raymer Street and waited. I know, maybe the driver should’ve spent less time playing Grand Theft Auto.

Finally, after the police approached yet again, she took off a final time. This time, she sideswiped a truck and drove into oncoming traffic. However, an officer quickly flung out a spike strip, a deployable implement that shreds tires. The crippled Camry slowed to a stop, and the driver surrendered to the LAPD. 

Check out a KTLA 5 News recording of the police pursuit below including the use of the spike strip!