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It’s getting really stormy out there, and I want you to stay safe. Tornadoes can strike instantly and can send cars up to a quarter mile away. So avoid common driving mistakes during a tornado if one strikes while you’re in a car

Driving mistakes to avoid during tornados 

First of all, it’s important to know that driving in a storm is dangerous, but driving mistakes during a tornado can make things much worse. 

Don’t try to outrun the tornado with your car. While they typically travel to the southwest at speeds of 30 mph, they can randomly change directions and reach speeds of up to 70 mph. 

You could think you’re driving away from it when it instantly comes in your direction. Driving at a right angle away from it can be helpful, but it’s best to get out of your car. 

Once you get out of your car, don’t hide under it for shelter. Heavy debris could land on top of the vehicle, crushing it and yourself. Also, the car could fly away, leaving you with no shelter. 

Tornado damage with a crushed car
Tornado Damage | iStock

You should actually pull over and get as far away from your car as possible. If you don’t see a building to take shelter in, find a low point like a culvert or ditch and lie down. Cover your head with your hands for protection. 

Heavier vehicles have a higher risk of being picked up by the wind. So big trucks, vans, and buses are more dangerous to be around. 

Plus, if you’re in a crowded area, other drivers could be panicking and making erratic moves in traffic. The last thing you want in a tornado is a wreck. 

It’s actually best to pull over and exit your vehicle if tornado conditions occur. Heavy rain, winds, and hail could make it harder to see and safely drive. 

One of the biggest driving mistakes to avoid during a tornado is taking shelter under an overpass or bridge. This happens all the time in movies, but this isn’t actually safe. Tunnels may turn into wind tunnels with speeds of 200 mpg while hurling debris. 

Also, if a massive storm occurs as you get off work or while you’re running errands, it’s best to wait it out inside the building instead of trying to beat the storm home. these driving mistakes could be the difference between life and death.