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Picture this: you pull over a suspect who’s just ditched a stolen car. You’re ready for the usual routine, cuffing and questioning, when suddenly you notice something clinging to the guy’s pink polo shirt. No, it’s not some kind of rogue fur collar—it’s a capuchin monkey, holding on for dear life like he’s riding shotgun in a buddy cop movie. Welcome to Florida.

That’s exactly what deputies from the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office found when they arrested 23-year-old Cody Hession. The car might have been the main attraction at first, but Monk, the diaper-wearing capuchin, stole the show. The officers quickly realized this wasn’t your standard arrest: they had a monkey business situation on their hands.

Hession had allegedly driven a stolen car into a ditch. And while officers might have been used to seeing some wild things during arrests, they probably didn’t expect to have to “bust” a capuchin for accessory to auto theft. But there was Monk, clutching Hession like a furry sidekick, possibly trying to figure out what all the fuss was about.

As they secured the scene, body camera footage showed Hession being led away in handcuffs. But despite his legal woes, his biggest concern was clearly Monk. The capuchin stayed glued to Hession’s chest, wrapping his arms around his human’s neck and resting his little head on Hession’s shoulder. Cue the aww moment. It was all fun and games until Florida Fish and Wildlife officers got involved and informed Hession that he didn’t have the necessary permit to keep Monk. That’s when things got serious.

Police arrested a firefighter for a DWI after he hit a hydrant.
A driver in handcuffs | YakobchukOlena via iStock

The deputies kindly allowed Hession a final moment with Monk before they took the little guy into custody. As the video shows, the officers told Hession to “do your paperwork, say your goodbyes,” which is possibly one of the most heartbreaking sentences ever uttered during an arrest. Hession scratched Monk’s back, kissed him, and removed the diaper in a tender farewell before the capuchin was carted off to the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary. In the hierarchy of awkward goodbyes, this one’s got to rank near the top.

You’ve got to feel for the guy, though. As Hession later explained to reporters, Monk wasn’t just a pet—he was family. “The loyalty he has and the loyalty I have to him is like no other,” he said, making it clear this wasn’t just some impulse buy. Hession had raised Monk since he was only a few days old and had shared countless adventures, even if one of them involved a stolen car. Losing Monk was a gut punch, not just because of the legal trouble, but because of the deep bond he had with his primate pal.

Now, Hession is doing everything he can to get Monk back. He’s reapplying for the proper exotic animal permit, hoping to be reunited with his “ride-or-die” sidekick. In his own words, the separation was “heartbreaking,” and his social media has been flooded with posts about Monk as he faces both legal battles and the challenge of proving he can responsibly care for his furry companion.

Let’s just hope next time, Monk’s ride is legal.


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