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Someone asked the most brilliant question on Reddit’s “Ask Reddit” forum: “Police of reddit, what are some of the funniest excuses you have gotten from speeders?” The commenters came through with some doozies.

One officer said, “I once pulled over a guy when he was going 70 on a 40 street. When I asked him why he was speeding he looked at me and screamed ‘IM HAVING A BABY’. Since he was a guy I asked him where his wife was. He begins screaming again and tells me that HE was having the baby. He then took off without my permission.”

You may be surprise to hear that police don’t like when you flee a traffic stop. Even if you tell them you’re a pregnant person. So the officer put out a call and others soon caught up with the guy. The storyteller explained that no, the speeder didn’t just have a great sense of humor. “Turns out the guy was on heavy drugs.”

Another commenter was not a police officer. But he happened to have a friend with a great sense of humor, and a successful strategy for getting off without a warning: “I was once in the car with my cousin in the beautiful city of Utica when he was pulled over for drag racing another car from a red light. He reached over to the glove box to get what I assumed would be his registration. To my surprise when the officer approached he did not present his license and registration but rather a “get out of jail free” monopoly card. The cop thought it was hilarious and let him go with a verbal warning and kept the card.”

Maybe the officer thought that if they kept the card, he’d prevent these guys from trying the same shenanigans again. Another commenter had a hearsay story, from his brother-in-law who is a police officer.

“There were two teenagers driving a rural mountain road late at night, with no other cars in sight, going around 90 mph. He had already had a bad day, and was exasperated. After finally catching up to them, he approached the window and asked if they knew how fast they were going. Their response was, ‘Well sir we’re just going with the flow of traffic!’ He stopped, bewildered, and just walked back to his car. Eventually they drove off. Much slower this time.”

Hard to believe that one actually worked. Perhaps the officer had already decided to give the young drivers a warning. But the final story is from a young woman who managed to put on enough of a show that a Nebraska police officer didn’t charge her with going 107 mph–or evading arrest! You can read it embedded below:

byu/ILoveFrenchToast from discussion