Is Your Boat on This Massive Recall List?
If you have a boat, you naturally want to stay on top of maintenance. Boating is one of those recreational activities that will come to an abrupt halt when there are any issues with your boat. Just like cars, trucks, SUVs, and RVs, boats are also susceptible to issues that require a recall. On the US Coast Guard website, there is a massive database that lists over 1500 recalls. Is your boat on the list of boat model recalls posted by the US Coast Guard?
Boat model recalls
On the list, there are a lot of different boat models. The recalls range from years all the way back to the early 1980s. The boat recalls for the include brands like Eldo-Craft, Rivercraft Boats, and Somerset Boat Co. There are models from the 1990s, too. These boat recalls include models from companies such as Seminole Marine and Starcraft Marine LLC.
Boat model recalls for boats in models in the 2000s and 2010s make up hundreds of the names on the list as well. These recalls are for models from companies like Seafox Boat Company Inc. and Tracker Marine Group. Even rowboat models like the ones from Morley Cedar Canoes.
Problems and issues
If you are a boat owner, you know that problems and issues arise. Motor issues, seal problems, weathering, and other issues are all things that you may find yourself dealing with if you have a boat. On the US Coast Guard recall list, there is a spectrum of problems and malfunctions that the boat model recalls have gone out for.
Of the over 1500 boats on the recall list, the problems include things like issues with the ventilation system. This problem is shown for the 2020 recall of the Calandra C7 Sterndrive by Bryant Boats Inc.
We also see issues like the problems with the fuel system on Dometic models. These boats also saw a 2020 boat model recall. There’s also a large number of problems with stickers and labels. One like this includes a 2020 recall for the capacity label on the 1648 Jon’ EXL Boat by Southform Custom Boat MFG Inc.––according to the US Coast Guard boat model recall list.
How to find your boat on the list
If your boat is on the recall list, you can find it in a few simple steps. By following this link you can search through the entire database of over 1500 boat model recalls. There are search functions by which boat owners can find their specific models. It’s possible to search for boat recalls by company, model, and model year. This way, you can figure out whether your boat is affected by any of the recalls on the US Coast Guard list.
There is also a page with a list of links for “any person engaged in the manufacture, construction, or assembly of boats or associated equipment, or the importation of boats, associated equipment, or the components thereof, into the United States for sale. It also provides safety information to boat owners or those considering the purchase of a recreational vessel.” You’ll find the boat model recall database as well as other safety information.