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The world is a smaller place than it once was. No, I don’t mean it’s shrinking. I’m referring to the availability of flights to get you from your local airport to just about anywhere on the planet. However, with the blessings of those readily available airplane flights, we’ve got some pain points. Some of the latest problems for travelers? “Luggage rage” has airline passengers turning red. 

Do you feel that, airline passengers? It’s ‘luggage rage’ and you’re not alone

“It’s going to cost me how much to check my bag?” It’s a common frustration for modern airline passengers. That, and the irritation of displaying the contents of your carefully packed luggage to redistribute a mere three pounds of weight to avoid an upcharge. Again, commonplace in today’s travel landscape.

According to the Seattle Times, “luggage rage” is a rising concern for airline passengers. For starters, airlines are passing “higher costs” onto ticket holders by raising the cost of checked luggage. Unfortunately, that means travelers are paying more for “heavy” checked baggage, too. After all, the upcharge for an overweight bag hasn’t gone anywhere.

Still, you can avoid falling victim to “luggage rage” by planning ahead and keeping cool. For starters, consider packing lighter. Use luggage rolls or compression bags to get more into your smaller bag. Moreover, arm yourself with as much patience as you can muster. Pack light, stay cool, and you’re likely to avoid a case of the rage. Frankly, things aren’t likely to improve anytime soon.

Unfortunately, some people can’t handle the stress of “luggage rage” and turn their frustrations into literal “luggage tantrums.” For instance, international passengers are displeased when they discover that they’ll have to pay extra for a cumbersome carry-on after they transfer to a different leg of their journey. 

It’s not just bloated prices, either. Jonathan Marsico, the CEO of Ship&Play echoes travelers’ concerns. “Consumer frustration with airline baggage has increased.” However, he’s referring to the tragic upward trend in lost or missing luggage. Now, Marsico’s company specializes in shipping luggage, so they’re the kind of operation that notices when more passengers are commissioning luggage shipping after their bag goes missing and turns up once more.