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You know that moment when you’re driving, minding your own business, and suddenly someone zooms past you—then slams on the brakes like you don’t exist? Yeah, that move. Ranker recently ranked the most aggravating drivers, and the winner? That special breed of driver who cuts you off, just to slow down like they’re leading a scenic parade. If you’ve ever wondered why drivers do this brake-checking routine, you’re not alone. Reddit’s been buzzing with theories, ranging from spiteful revenge to straight-up boredom.

One brave soul on AskReddit posed the million-dollar question: “Drivers who speed up, cut people off, and then slow down—why do you do it?” Responses flooded in faster than a brake-check on the freeway, ranging from tongue-in-cheek to downright hostile. Some users were clearly there for the laughs, but others sounded angry enough to be guilty of this move themselves.

The top-voted response didn’t mince words: “To p— you off. I do this when some d—– has their brights on or is talking on their phone.” Apparently, brake-checking is their preferred (and dangerous) way to correct bad driving habits. Another commenter chimed in with a similar sentiment, calling it “punishment” for folks driving poorly.

Things only got weirder from there. One user took the sarcastic route, saying, “Because there’s a chance there’s a Redditor behind me, and I cannot wait for them to make a passive-aggressive post about it.” Internet trolling at its finest.

Another commenter took the psychoanalysis approach, typing: “Having been a passenger in a car where drivers have done this, I’ve always observed it’s people who grew up in abusive families and never worked through their issues.” Ouch—nothing like a little armchair therapy to spice up a road rage debate.

Then came the chaotic evil responses. One user admitted they pull this stunt for pure drama, saying, “Driving can be boring. Sometimes I just need some entertainment.” Hey, at least they’re honest, I guess. Another Redditor kept it short but chilling: “Because I’m evil.” Somebody please take away that person’s license.

But it wasn’t all trolling and weak excuses. One user—probably the thread’s most reasonable voice—tried to explain it: “I need to change lanes, and you have decided to match my speed, so I can’t get over unless I speed up. Then I go back to whatever speed I feel like driving.” We’ve all been there, but cutting people off and brake-checking? That’s still a stretch.

Amidst the chaos, one commenter shared a personal story: “I’ve never done it. I’ve had it done to me. I know why—it was because he was merging, and I didn’t adjust my driving to let him in. I guess he felt he shouldn’t have to actually merge, and that the people on the interstate should make sure he is able to enter seamlessly. There was nobody else around. It wasn’t like rush hour or anything. / So, I just slowed down more very gradually, so he would have to keep going slower and slower to hold me up. It didn’t take him long to realize what I was doing and speed away. / People are weird.” Weird is one way to put it.

An international driver chimed in from Asia: “You should take a trip to Asia, especially Vietnam—people do this all the time. Traffic is a nightmare here.” Having driven in Southeast Asia myself, I can’t say I noticed it happening more than anywhere else. But after reading this comment, I might need to brush up on my defensive driving before checking Vietnam off my bucket list. Or maybe I’ll just rent something with extra-strong brakes.

At the end of the day, there’s no excuse for this obnoxious driving habit. If you’re one of those cut-off-and-brake-check types, let me be the first to say: stop it. Life’s already hard enough without having to play high-speed-tag with you.