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In 2022, you would think that all of the states, heck, all countries, would be for cleaner air and quicker adoption of electric vehicles. But not in North Carolina. Rep. Keith Kidwell, a Republican, has proposed a bill called the “Equitable Free Vehicle Fuel Stations” act. It removes free EV charging stations in North Carolina and bans EV charging on government property. That is unless free gas and diesel fuel are also made available. You know, equitable. 

What does this anti-EV charging bill say?

An EV Charging Station that works for lots of different electric vehicles
EV Charging Station | Getty

From the draft of House Bill 1049, “Any person who is engaged in a business where electric vehicle charging stations are provided for use by the public at no charge shall ensure that each customer of the business, without regard to whether the customer uses the charging stations, is informed of, on the receipt for purchases, the percentage of the amount of the customer’s total purchase price that is a result of the business providing electric vehicle charging stations at no charge.” 

Currently, the Department of Transportation operates EV charging stations at roadside rest stops. The bill targets those rest stop charging stations by banning them. “The Department of Transportation shall not use public funds to provide electric vehicle charging stations on property owned or leased by the State or to fund or install electric vehicle charging stations on property owned or leased by a person or entity unless the Department or the person or entity provides gasoline and diesel fuel for motor vehicles through a pump to the public at no charge,” the bill says. 

“A county shall not use public funds to provide electric vehicle charging stations on property owned or leased by the county or to fund or install electric vehicle charging stations on property owned or leased by a person or entity unless the county or the person or entity provides gasoline or diesel fuel for motor vehicles through a pump to the public at no charge,” the bill continues. 

Why do states provide free EV charging (under certain conditions)

Charging stations
A Nissan Leaf charging | Getty

So, what is the reason that cities and states, under certain conditions, provide free EV charging? Because states get federal funding. The feds reimburse the states. It’s part of the Biden infrastructure bill which has set aside $5 billion specifically for this. This is so EV adoption happens sooner, and provides for an expansive EV infrastructure. That must go hand-in-hand with greater EV adoption. And, ah, it’s for the environment.

We hate to have to even explain this, but why are states and the federal government doing this? Because we’re trying to reduce carbon emissions through the Paris Accord. Essentially, we’re burning up the planet, which will lead to our extinction. That is unless you’re Elon Musk and can fly to Mars.

Are there still climate deniers?

charging station
Charging the Mustang Mach-E | Ford

The climate change deniers are mostly silent now as temperatures rise, and huge chunks of glaciers are melting away. Some are exposing landmasses that haven’t seen daylight for eons. So, we doubt that Rep. Keith Kidwell is one of those.

But still, there are some that only see this as some kind of wrong they need to right. But that’s what makes America such a rich country-all of these divergent issues. We hope that the citizens of North Carolina do the right thing.


Which Charging Station Should You Use? Understand EV Charging Level Differences