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A NASCAR driver is accustomed to speed. After all, the oval-track racers routinely reach speeds in excess of 200 mph. However, Greg Biffle exhibited a different kind of speed after Hurricane Helene. He used a helicopter to aid a North Carolina man with life-saving supplies with the sort of speed you’d expect from a racing driver. 

As if a rescuer from the skies, NASCAR driver Greg Biffle delivered aid to a North Carolina man after recognizing an emergency signal

Tragically, Hurricane Helene claimed lives and crippled critical infrastructure in North Carolina. However, the storm didn’t stop good samaritans from springing into action to help their communities. Incidentally, NASCAR driver Greg Biffle took to the skies aboard a small helicopter to survey the devastation and provide whatever aid he could.

Fortunately for one North Carolina man, he spotted Biffle’s helicopter with enough time to signal it. Wielding a large mirror, he reflected the light from the sun at the helicopter. According to Biffle, the signal was so effective that he spotted it “well over a mile away.”

As a result of the signal, Greg Biffle and his company were able to deliver vital, life-saving supplies to the man. In an Instagram post, Biffle said that the flight delivered baby formula, EpiPens, insulin, fuel, chicken feed, a chainsaw, and two-stroke engine fuel (undoubtedly for the chainsaw and other tools). Biffle says they were also able to deliver sandwiches from the supermarket chain Harris Teeter. 

Fortunately, the man was right on target using a mirror to gain the attention of the low-flying aircraft. We carried signal mirrors in the Marine Corps to get the attention of helicopters. Of course, our mirrors were small, with a built-in crosshair for aiming at a friendly aircraft. In this case, the man brandished a large mirror, likely a household mirror. 

Check out Biffle’s Instagram video of the desperate mirror signal below!