#NoTruckstoColorado TikTok Trend Explained
If you’re a frequent user of the short-form video platform TikTok, you might’ve noticed a growing trend. #NoTruckstoColorado is a trending hashtag and movement within the trucker community. Deciphering that semi-truck drivers aren’t going to Colorado is easy. However, what’s keeping them away from the mile-high state? Here’s why #NoTruckstoColorado is trending on TikTok.
Why is #NoTruckstoColorado trending on TikTok?
No trucks to Colorado is a trend that began a few months ago but started gaining traction again recently. In short, the purpose is to boycott truckers working in and out of Colorado because of a fellow truck driver’s life-altering problem. Rogel Aguilera-Mederos is a semi-truck driver sentenced to 110 years in Colorado prison following an accident resulting in four deaths. Millions of people support Mederos, and the purpose of the TikTok trend is to free him.
Presently, a petition drive is urging the governor of Colorado to grant Mederos a sentence commutation or pardon. According to Heavy, Mederos was 23 at the time of the crash, and the petition gained 4.2 million signatures as of December 19, 2021. You might be wondering why so many people would want to free someone who crashed a semi-truck and killed four people. There’s a lot more to the story.
Why are people boycotting Colorado for Rogel Aguilera-Mederos’ freedom?
Firstly, Mederos has nothing on his driving record and no criminal history. Additionally, the petition states that Rogel has complied with every request by Jefferson County courts. Next, he passed every drug and alcohol test the state required. Most importantly, the accident was in no way intentional, let alone a criminal act. Finally, the trucking company is responsible for the incident due to improper maintenance.
If you didn’t know, Mederos’ truck’s brakes stopped working as he came out of the Rocky Mountains. When the driver couldn’t stop the vehicle, it caused a 28-vehicle crash. Four people died, and six became wounded because of the crash. In short, a man was sentenced to 110 years in prison because his brakes gave out on I-70 in Denver, Colorado.
#NoTruckstoColorado on all social media platforms
According to Heavy, the hashtag is trending on TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook. Under the hashtag, users will find a list of people who refuse to drive trucks through Colorado until Mederos is free. One trucker indicated he wouldn’t travel through Colorado for the next 110 years, the same length as Medero’s prison sentence. Additionally, some truckers said they’re afraid to drive through Colorado now. Causing an accident due to brake failure could earn them a lifelong prison sentence for something out of their control.
“No, we are not trying to make it seem any less of a tragic accident than it is because yes, lives were lost. We are trying to hold the person who needs to be held responsible, responsible. The trucking company has had several inspections since 2017, with several mechanical violations,” the petition states.
According to the Denver Channel, the judge sentenced Mederos on December 13, 2021. Moreover, the jury found him guilty on many counts, including vehicular homicide, first-degree assault, attempted first-degree assault, vehicular assault, reckless driving, and careless driving.
Domingo Garcia, the national president of a Latino civil rights organization, spoke to the Denver Channel: “This case is so egregious, it boggles the mind that here we are in 2021 and that somebody who was not intoxicated, not on drugs. It’s an accident, the brakes went out. But here’s the Latino driver, he gets charged, convicted, and given 110 years of prison on his first offense.”
The judge reduced Rogel Aguilera-Mederos’ sentence

According to ABC News, governor Jared Polis announced Mederos’ sentence has been reduced from 110 years to 10 years.
“I am writing to inform you that I am granting your application for a commutation,” Polis wrote. “After learning about the highly atypical and unjust sentence in your case, I am commuting your sentence to 10 years and granting you parole eligibility on December 30, 2026.”
It seems evident that there are unusual and extenuating circumstances surrounding this case. Subsequently, truck drivers from all over the country agree that the sentence required a reduction. Millions of signatures on the petition and posts under this trending TikTok hashtag made that obvious.
“Justice was served!!! This commutation is far more reflective of the crime than 110 years. This type of justice is exactly why I went to law school and why I continue to practice law! Mr. Mederos will be forever grateful for the millions of people that supported him,” James Colgan, Mederos’ attorney told ABC News.
#NoTruckstoColorado TikTok trend
If you’re on TikTok, or almost any other social media platform, check out the #NoTruckstoColorado hashtag. You’ll find messages, videos, and more supporting the truck driver. Seeing truck drivers come together to support a fellow worker is heartwarming, to say the least. The man received a prison sentence of 110 years because his brakes failed while driving. Truck drivers refused to work in Colorado until Rogel Aguilera-Mederos was free. As a result, his sentence received a 100-year reduction to 10 years. That’s what the #NoTruckstoColorado TikTok trend is all about.