Picking Up Your New RV At The Dealership: What You Should Know
Congratulations! You’re the proud owner of a new RV. Or, almost. You still have to pick that shiny new rig up at the dealership. But what should you know before picking up your new RV at the dealership? As it turns out, there’s a few things that you should be keeping in mind.

Consider your gear and equipment before picking up your new RV
Gear and equipment? You might be thinking about things like camp chairs and s’mores supplies. In this instance, that’s not really what we mean. Before picking up your new RV at the dealership, you should be thinking about gear and equipment in terms of getting your RV home from the dealership. Will you have to tow your rig home? And if so, is your vehicle properly equipped to do so? According to Go RVing, these are all questions you should be asking yourself before picking up your new RV at the dealership.
Make sure to schedule a walk-through of your new RV
You might not want to spend more time at the dealership but according to Trailer Life, it’s basically a must when picking up a new RV at the dealership. Before bringing your new rig home, you’re going to want to schedule a thorough walk-through or a pre-delivery inspection.
And when we’re talking thorough, we’re talking about having the dealer take you through all of your RV’s nooks and crannies, showing you how every last thing works, and helping you gain an understanding of your new rig. Trailer Life reports that this could take anywhere from an hour to two hours, so be sure to keep that in mind when scheduling your walk-through.
Go RVing recommends taking your phone with you to record your walk-through too. But don’t record the walk-through in one long clip. Instead, Go RVing recommends taking multiple, short videos and labeling them on your phone accordingly. Don’t be embarrassed to record your walk-through either. According to Go RVing, you will be thankful for the videos you took when taking delivery of your new RV.
Prepare to take your new RV out on a shakedown trip
You’ve taken your walk-through, have a good understanding of how your new rig works, and have finally made your purchase official. But, what’s next? A shakedown trip. Axle Addict reports that scheduling a shakedown trip is an easy way to find any problems that may need repairing. This can be especially helpful if you plan on taking a lengthy trip sometime down the road.
But what’s the best and most effective way to plan your shakedown trip? According to Koa, the best shakedown trip is one that’s taken close to home. As long as you have access to water and electricity, you should be able to give your new RV a good once-over during your shakedown trip. Taking a shakedown trip is also a good opportunity to understand what equipment you should be stocking your new RV with when heading out for your next RV vacation.
Don’t be afraid to take your time
Buying an RV is a lengthy process. Picking it up can be much of the same. It’s a big investment too! So don’t be afraid to take your time, or ask a lot of questions. It’s your new RV after all.