Report: BMW May Be Headed To NASCAR Racing
When was the last time a German manufacturer fielded a race car in NASCAR? How about never. Actually, there are only three manufacturers currently running cars in NASCAR. Chevy, Ford, and Toyota are the only ones. Wouldn’t it be great if a German manufacturer were to jump into the running? It might be happening. A generic Twitter question “Describe NASCAR racing in three words or less,” got a response. “Better with BMW.” And that tweet came from BMW USA.
NASCAR’s Gen 7 platform in the works, it might have gotten BMW’s attention

With NASCAR’s Gen 7 platform in the works, it might have gotten BMW’s attention. The platform has better aerodynamics, a carbon-fiber tub, and better race car tech. That in itself could entice a more tech-related car company like BMW. Could a tweaked M8 GTE car be right for NASCAR? Let’s see.
There is a lot that would have to change but the M8 platform is ready-made for something like a NASCAR effort. The all-wheel-drive would have to go. Also, the twin-turbo DOHC V8 would have to lose its turbos, but at least NASCAR now allows fuel-injection. We’re just skirting around the edges. Yeah, there would be plenty that would need to change. But, if BMW can successfully field a GTE car, and it does, then NASCAR is more than doable.
“There’s nothing stock about stock car racing”

When you look at it there is little in the way of production components being used in any of the NASCAR efforts today. Like they say, “There’s nothing stock about stock car racing.” So the differences in components between what BMW uses and what it would need as not insurmountable.
Motor Illustrated made a point of reminding everyone that BMW builds cars in South Carolina. That’s NASCAR country. It is BMW’s highest production plant, and it is about an hour from Charlotte. That’s where most of the NASCAR teams work from. So, from a provincial perspective, what manufacturer has a better excuse for participating than BMW?
Joining NASCAR would bridge BMW’s massive race victories in mostly European venues

There may be nothing to the BMW USA tweet. But the more one thinks about it the smarter it starts to become. Joining NASCAR would bridge BMW’s massive race victories in mostly European venues with its current marketing here. It suddenly makes those far-off victories relevant to the US market. We as enthusiasts look at that as old news. But it would be an eye-opener for those living in the NASCAR bubble.
Breaking through that bubble would be a score for BMW. We hope their tweet was more than just a tweet. We’d love to see some international flavor come to NASCAR. All competition is good and the more the better.