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I don’t usually think of driving exam officiator as a high-risk job. I’m sure you have the occasional student jump the curb or even mix up the accelerator and brake. But one instructor at Ohio’s Mayfield Heights facility was the target of such violent road rage that her student took a run at her.

Here’s how the story goes: a 21-year-old woman went into the Mayfield Heights facility for her driving exam. It can be a tense day in the life of any young person, but it seems she was wound especially tight. The test was pretty straightforward until she ran over an orange cone.

If it’s been a few years since your driver exam, you may have forgotten that hitting a cone is an instant fail (because they’re supposed to represent trees, people, and other things you really shouldn’t run into). So the instructor told the student she’d have to come back another day and try again.

Maybe this 20-something had somewhere to drive that day. Maybe she was just frustrated most of her peers had had their licenses for five years. Whatever the reason, she wasn’t having it.

According to Chanel 19 news out of Cleveland, she argued with her instructor. The disagreement quickly escalated to shouting. The student kept demanding, “Why didn’t you tell me what I was doing?”

Eventually, the flunked student latched onto the idea of just going to another facility to take the test that day. She asked, “Where else can I take my test?” But you may not be shocked to hear that in the internet age, the state of Ohio has closed up that loophole.

As the student continued to negotiate and blame the instructor, the test officiator had enough of the boloney. She got out of the student’s car to walk back into the office.

Well, the license-less student wasn’t giving up that easily. In a fit of rage she aimed her car at the instructor and gunned the throttle.

You’ll be happy to hear the instructor was able to leap out of the way and dash to safety. The student drove off and the police put out a bulletin for her white Hyundai with temporary tags.