Jakob Toretto distances himself from his family in several ways. In one fun twist, though his father and brother are Dodge Charger lovers, Jakob drives two different Ford Mustangs during the film. Find out which ones...
When teenage Jeff Penrod's parents sold his Mustang because his grades dipped, he kept the idea of someday buying it back. 23 years later, his wife found it and secretly bought it back for him.
A video by the owners of a new Mustang Mach-E describe the journey with their local Ford dealer over issues with the car the dealer says are "unfixable."
A new NHRA record for electric vehicles running in the quarter mile was set in Norwalk, Ohio, by Bob Tasca III in the 2021 Ford Mustang Cobra Jet 1400 EV.
Henry Ford II had this 1966 Mustang GT convertible built for his use in France. It includes a slew of unique and one-off features that will only increase the selling price.
A class-action lawsuit in Illinois alleges that the 2015-2017 Mustang has faulty wiring. This causes features to stop working like the backup camera, trunk release, trunk lights, and satellite radio.