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When you board a long flight, you expect a few things. You likely expect some sort of entertainment. That, and you’re probably banking on some sort of airline food or in-flight meal. However, you don’t expect to find a cockroach in your omelet when you dine aboard an airplane.

A mom and her toddler were shocked to find a cockroach in their airline food– after they had eaten most of the meal

Suyesha Savant and her two-year-old child boarded an Air India flight from Delhi, India to New York City (NYC). Now, as you might imagine, the travel takes time. In fact, at an average flight time of around 14 to 16 hours, the trip is among the longest non-stop flights around. As such, passengers can expect multiple meals and snacks throughout the journey.

Incidentally, Savant and her small child received an omelet from the airline as one of the flight’s food options. However, the traveling pair was understandably shaken by the presence of an unwelcomed ingredient in the meal: a cockroach.

Savant called out the airline on X for the nasty surprise in the food. “Found a cockroach in the omelette served to me on the @airindia flight from Delhi to New York.” More disturbingly, the unsuspecting duo had consumed much of the meal before discovering the critter. “My 2 year old finished more than half of it with me when we found this.”

What’s more, she pointed out that she could “see the whiskers” of the insect, per People. Savant was, of course, likely referring to the cockroach’s antennae, the sensory appendages on a roach’s head.

Air India responded to Savant by saying “Dear Ms. Savant, we’re very sorry to hear about your experience.” The airline then promised to investigate the food incident “promptly.” Tragically, incidents this wasn’t an isolated incident. A live mouse reportedly jumped out of a passenger’s meal on a Scandinavian Airlines flight just weeks before Savant found the cockroach in her meal. 

Check out Savant’s post on X with the critter below! Be warned, though. Those of you with sensitive stomachs might want to turn away.