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How do you get to rallies and debates? You fly! That is if you’re campaigning for votes across the country. Former president Donald Trump just upgraded to a new airplane to fly with his team across the country. 

Former president Donald Trump has a new Boeing airplane 

During the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, former president Donald Trump announced that Senator JD Vance will be his running mate for the 2024 campaign. 

He also debuted his new airplane with Trump, Vance, and Make America Great Again written on the side. It will be hard to miss at airports. 

The plane is different from the ‘Trump Force One’, which Trump has for personal use. The new plane appears to be the Boeing 737 for Vance’s use. The N917XA plane was spotted at the MCI airport. 

The plane has some noticeable rust and looks like a used model. Brand new 737 planes cost between 121.6 – 134.9 million depending on size. 

But have Trump and Vance been paying attention to the news? The Boeing 737 has been involved in 529 aviation accidents and incidents. The accidents have resulted in 5,779 fatalities and 234 hull losses. 

Boeing faces up to $487 million in fines due to felony charges related to fatal crashes. Critics believe this is only a minor slap on the wrist. 

If Trump is reelected he can use the Air Force One again, which is a VC-25A of a specially configured Boeing 747. This type of plane has about 60 accidents, so it’s considerably safer. 

However, it’s an older model that uses more fuel. This is why it has been discontinued around the world. Perhaps it’s time for a new presidential plane. 

The ‘Trump Force One’ is a Boeing 757 private jet. He paid $100 million for it back in 2011. He said that the Air Force One was a step down from his plane in every way. 

It has been outfitted with a private bedroom and gold-plated seatbelts. But it’s also vintage and some critics claim that it’s outdated and that Trump paid too much for it. 

The plane uses cables and pushrods to control flight surfaces on the wings and tail while modern planes use computers. The Air Force One seems like the safest bet. Good luck with the Boeing 737.