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A frankly terrifying video is making the rounds online: A garbage truck appears to burst into flame during normal operation. No, it probably wasn’t photoshopped. You’ll be happy to hear eyewitnesses reported the driver was fine.

In this video a white and green garbage truck is driving down a residential street. Everything appears to be working alright as it scoops up a trash can and dumps its contents into a dumpster. Then its forward arms lift the dumpster overhead to dump its contents into the back of the truck. While the dumpster is overhead, flames explode around the cab.

In the above video you can see the driver leap out of the cab and to safety. The YouTuber, named Curotto Can Man, added some clarification in a comment:

“What happened was the hydraulic fluid hose broke and the fluid went near the exhaust and caught on fire the driver was OK. He used a fire extinguisher to put the fire out. I stopped recording after he jumped out of the truck”

Curotto Can Man via YouTube

The fact-checkers at Snopes looked into this video. Many folks online expressed disbelief that the camera just happened to be rolling at the moment the truck lit on fire. But the truth is that Curotto films all kinds of garbage trucks in all kinds of situations. So it’s not too odd that he was filming this one.

In addition, Snopes was able to investigate the video file. The site found no evidence it has been photoshopped or otherwise tampered with.

So what in the world happened to this garbage truck? Well, the arm that it uses to lift dumpsters is operated by compressed hydraulic fluid. To the Occupational Health & Safety website warns that while hydraulic fluid is not the most flammable liquid around, it is distilled from oil and if it gets hot enough it can combust. The driver obviously knew this because he leapt from the garbage truck’s cab as soon as he heard the leak.