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Regardless of how you feel about gun laws and rights in the United States, a firearm has no place in a disagreement on public streets. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop this undeveloped driver from pulling a gun on another motorist after blocking their truck in a fit of road rage. 

This Mercedes-Benz driver thought pulling a gun on another motorist during a childish road rage episode was a good idea

I learned many things in the United States Marine Corps. But a couple of the most important, safety-oriented things I learned (with civilian life applicability) are two-fold. The first: guns aren’t toys. They’re tools with exceptional destructive potential and deserve respect. The second: brandishing a weapon is a serious thing. It’s certainly not a joking matter or anything to be taken lightly.

Tragically, some motorists with road rage believe it is okay, even excusable to pull a firearm from its holster when they are angry. Unfortunately, that was the case with one driver as they emerged from their Mercedes-Benz in Port Saint Lucie, Florida. A popular social media video captured the exchange, wherein an irate driver approached a parked truck with a handgun in their grip.

Moreover, as soon as the aggressor gets close enough, they reach through the open window of the truck. As they did so, the video reveals the driver in the parked truck also had an unholstered weapon below the doorline.

Fortunately, it appears that the driver came to their senses and returned to their waiting Mercedes-Benz before the situation escalated. Sadly, not every instance of road rage results in de-escalation. Interestingly enough, Florida law lists the “Improper Exhibition of a Firearm or Weapon” as a serious crime and can result in a year-long prison sentence without the added impact of an aggravated assault charge, per Hussein & Webber.

There are consequences for your actions. In this case, the driver who approached the stationary truck is committing crime after crime with their aggression. Worse yet, that driver’s actions could have led to serious injury or death. Watch the video of the motorist’s tantrum below!


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