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Americans love their pickup trucks. That’s no surprise. As you might imagine, some truck owners like keeping firearms in their vehicles. So, just what makes a “truck gun” a “truck gun?”

A truck gun is a firearm that an owner keeps in their vehicle or owns specifically to carry in their car or truck

A “truck gun” is, as it sounds, a firearm that owners keep in their vehicles. Of course, it doesn’t have to be a pickup truck. In fact, many drivers who subscribe to the practice use the term interchangeably with “trunk gun.” Still, more often than not, a truck gun is a weapon a driver keeps in their truck to defend themselves and their property.

When it comes to weapon types, there is no one “perfect” truck gun. Instead, it could be anything from a shotgun to a carbine rifle or handgun. That said, some owners will prioritize a more affordable weapon in the chance that a thief breaks into their vehicle and steals it. However, some owners will opt for a weapon based on its merit as a maneuverable platform. Think folding stock, six-position buttstock, or telescopic rear end for easy access and deployability.

Unfortunately, many opportunists steal truck guns out of parked vehicles and use them in crimes. According to Everytown Research & Policy, a criminal steals a firearm out of a truck every nine minutes in the United States. Of course, it should be said that Everytown is a gun safety group with an agenda. Whether or not it’s actually that many, it’s a common issue that police and other first responders contend with. 

A man with a revolver and his truck.
A man with a revolver and a truck | CIA-Photo via iStock

As such, I can’t recommend leaving a weapon in your parked vehicle. Instead, you can transport your firearm between your living space and your truck in a bag, holster, sheath, or locking safe. As a result, criminals won’t be one smashed window or popped lock away from stealing your valuable and potentially deadly weapon. 

Moreover, putting firearm manufacturer decals on your vehicle can make you a target for criminals. Thieves recognize the logos and conclude that there could be a firearm or multiple guns in the car. Considering how expensive guns can be, some opportunists are willing to risk breaking into a truck or car to get one.