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Merging can feel like an overwhelming part of driving, especially when another driver refuses to let you in. Here’s how to handle a situation where someone won’t let you merge smoothly.

First, use your turn signal early. This gives other drivers plenty of notice that you’re planning to merge. Sometimes, people just need a little extra time to react and make room. Keep an eye on your mirrors and blind spots to spot any opportunities to merge safely.

Next, if the driver ahead of you isn’t letting you merge, slow down a bit to create more space between you and them. This might give you a better chance to find a gap in traffic. Stay calm and be patient. Getting frustrated won’t help and could easily make the situation dangerous. Breathe through unfriendly behavior and focus on safety.

Heavy LA traffic merge of freeway lanes
Sundry Photography via iStock

If the driver next to you just won’t budge, don’t force it. Forcing your way in might spur aggressive responses or even cause an accident. Instead, find a spot where another driver is willing to let you in. There’s usually someone who’s watching the events unfold that will create enough space for you.

Remember, it’s important to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you. Tailgating in frustration can lead to accidents or road rage incidents. If you’re on a busy highway and merging seems impossible, you can even take the next exit and re-enter the highway. While it might feel counterintuitive, this can sometimes be safer than fighting your way into a lane.

Keep in mind that typically, we’re not driving under emergency conditions. Sure, most of us would prefer to get to our destination fast and efficiently, but staying calm and looking to make the safest merge is your best bet.