Who Is Samantha Busch from Racing Wives?
For race car fans, you can never get enough behind-the-scenes action. And with Racing Wives on CMT, you can learn more about the families of your favorite drivers. The show focuses on the wives of five women: three married to drivers, one married to a crewmember, and one who is a driver herself. The show’s frontrunner is Samantha Busch, wife of 55-time Cup winner Kyle Busch.
Her story in the show’s first season follows along as she considers having a second baby, tries to sign Kyle Busch Motorsports’ first female driver, and works alongside her sister-in-law, Ashley, to attempt to improve the Busch brothers’ relationship.
Samantha has always had a lot on her plate
When she met Kyle Busch in 2008, Samantha was finishing up her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Purdue University. The pair got married in 2010 and Samantha went on to receive her Master’s Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology in 2012. After becoming co-owner of Kyle Busch Motorsports, Samantha flourished in the racing world and began opening up to her followers on social media, giving them an inside look at what it’s like to follow along with a NASCAR circuit.
Growing her online following, Samantha started writing a lifestyle blog, where she shares everything from workouts and recipes to beauty tips and more about their day-to-day lives. It was through her bog and various social media outlets that she began sharing her struggles with infertility in the years leading up to conceiving their son.
Infertility struggles
The Busches gave birth to their son, Brexton, in 2015, after going through the long process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Since then, Samantha has been a huge advocate for IVF. Alongside Kyle, the pair started the Bundle of Joy Fund, an extension of their charity organization, the Kyle Busch Foundation. Bundle of Joy offers financial assistance to couples struggling to pay for the expenses of IVF treatments, as well as raises awareness of infertility. She’s been vocal with support that infertility treatments should be covered by health insurance when it usually is not.
In November 2018, Samantha and Kyle announced that they had suffered a miscarriage after trying for a second child, again through IVF. The loss of their baby girl was difficult for Samantha, but she has been consistently open with her followers on social media and her blog as a way of raising awareness and showing support for others facing the same struggles. Racing Wives followed along with their decision to try for another child, as well as the aftermath of the miscarriage.
Always a boss babe
Since its inception in 2015, the Bundle of Joy Fund has helped 44 couples pay for their infertility treatments and has helped bring 22 babies into the world. In 2016, Samantha was named a finalist for the Comcast Community Champion of the Year Award, earning a large donation for the foundation. While Bundle of Joy currently only helps couples in the Charlotte, North Carolina area, they hope to expand as much as they can as time goes on.
In season one of Racing Wives, we see Samantha and her sister-in-law, Ashley Busch, try to bring Kyle and his brother, fellow NASCAR champion, Kurt Busch, closer through the wives’ friendship. We also see more of the behind-the-scenes work she does as the manager of Kyle Busch Motorsports, trying to recruit Amber Balcaen as the organization’s first female driver.
The other members of the show, Whitney Dillon, wife of driver Austin Dillon, and Mariel Swan, wife of crewmember Paul Swan, all take their turns butting heads with Samantha’s strong personality. While the first season has wrapped up, we can’t wait to see what happens next with this crew of strong women.