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There could be a new way to protect your vehicle from theft soon. As you may have noticed, Ford patent filings have been pretty interesting to follow. The latest one involves a hologram system with fake police officers. 

New Ford patent involves hologram cops 

A new Ford patent was filed to potentially increase the safety of drivers and improve vehicle security. In-vehicle features could include hologram technology that projects images and words. 

The system could produce holograms of police officers to ward off nearby criminals. The hologram projections are internal and external. 

Some external projections include convincing police and security officers. This could be to deter theft or to ward off onlookers and loiterers. 

Images related to the patent depict full-body projections of human figures cast around the perimeter of the vehicle. Interior projections include showing restaurant menus to passengers in fast-food drive-throughs. 

It’s unclear how this technology would work or what type of tech might be implemented. But Ford is already securing its potential use for it.

Previous hologram concepts by Ford have included using misty water droplets to provide a surface to project 3D images. Although, the new patent could be different. 

A Ford patent image for hologram cops
Ford hologram patent | Ford

This comes after a controversial patent to collect personal information from drivers and passengers to provide target ads. 

I think it might be cool if the features were combined. For example, if your Ford vehicle thought you were in danger then it would be useful to automatically deploy the police officer hologram. 

Also, if you view a restaurant menu in your car, it could be paired with a discount coupon based on what type of food the vehicle heard you talking about. 

However, unfortunately, like other patents, this Ford patent is in the beginning stages. It might not ever be placed into cars

Patents protect new ideas and help to build a portfolio of intellectual property. They shouldn’t be viewed as business or product plans. So, stay tuned for updates!