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With storms getting worse, drivers may be concerned about losing their vehicles to rising waters. Profoundly destructive weather events like Hurricane Helene can loom offshore one day and destroy communities the next. So, will your car insurance policy cover flood damage to your beloved vehicle? Or are you simply out of luck when the waters rise?

Depending on your policy, your car insurance may cover flood damage to your vehicle

Insurance providers sell varying levels of coverage for drivers to protect themselves in the event of a crash or damage. For instance, liability coverage will provide a minimum level of protection after a wreck. It will, however, cover the damage you cause to another party’s vehicle. Not your own, though.

Conversely, a comprehensive car insurance policy will cover damage to your vehicle and other parties. Moreover, a comprehensive car insurance policy will cover “acts of God,” including those caused by inclement weather events. As such, a comprehensive car insurance policy may cover your vehicle in the event of flood damage, per Fox Money.

Tragically, a catastrophic flooding event, like those caused by Hurricane Harvey in the Houston area, can permanently damage cars. Still, drivers can file a flood claim with their provider to cover damages. Granted, drivers will likely have to pay a deductible. However, insurance providers can then pay for repairs or total the vehicle and compensate the driver for the value of their ride.

Furthermore, if you don’t have flood coverage on an existing collision or similar policy, you can add it after the fact. However, your best bet is to opt for the most coverage within your budget. Better yet, you can use these tactics to stay ahead of rising flood waters.

  • Never drive through flood waters.
  • Park smart. Don’t park in areas prone to flooding.
  • If possible, park your vehicle in a structure or garage away from flood zones.
  • Consider cribbing or ramps to keep your vehicle off the ground.