Roadside assistance is fairly popular for people to add to their car insurance policies. However, many drivers seek out the service separate from their insurance. Despite this, there is a debate over whether or not roadside assistance is worth the cost. This discussion stems from questions over how often drivers use the service as well as the quality of assistance it provides.
Many people add roadside assistance to their car insurance policies but never use it
According to a 2021 report from Agero, most people who have added roadside assistance to their car insurance policies don’t use it. If the report is accurate, only about one in three drivers with the service put it to use. Despite most people not using roadside assistance, experts expect the number of people with it to grow substantially in the next several years.
There are many reasons why people don’t use their roadside assistance despite it being included with their car insurance policies. In most cases, confusion over the service is the main reason. For starters, some people who have it don’t understand what it covers and if there will be an out-of-pocket cost. Additionally, many decide to fix the issue themselves or call a friend or relative to help them.
Unfortunately, some people have the service and may not realize it. This can happen as it’s it’s sometimes a small monthly payment added to car insurance policies. However, this amount adds up over time. Regarding cost, it typically costs between $20 and $150 per year.
What comes with the service?
As with many parts of car insurance policies, many people may not know what roadside assistance covers. As mentioned, this is why some people don’t use it. However, it can come in handy in many situations. For example, if there’s ever a reason you need to have the vehicle towed, roadside assistance can help.
The service can also help in situations where you may have run out of gas. In this case, they would have gas delivered to your location. The same applies when your battery is dead, and you need someone to jump-start the car. Of course, they can also help with flat tires and when you happen to lock yourself out of the vehicle.
The downside is that roadside assistance works differently depending on the company. Of course, many people have it through their car insurance policies, but others get the service through other means. It’s essential to check your contract to know what’s covered. For example, towing may only be covered up to a certain distance. It’s also important to know that you may only be covered in some places you go.
Still, roadside assistance is worth it for many people. This is especially the case if it may be difficult to get a friend or relative to help in these unfortunate situations.