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In many ways, the 2024 Chevy Traverse is one of the top SUVs on the market. Not only is it a popular choice, but it delivers solid performance and has a well-rounded look. However, one woman recently reported having multiple breakdowns in a matter of weeks on her new Chevy Traverse. Because of this, the internet says she should have gotten a new Toyota SUV. 

This 2024 Chevy Traverse broke down twice

According to Daily Dot, Victoria Shaff (@victoria_shaff) recently uploaded a TikTok video about her 2024 Chevy Traverse. However, instead of being a complimentary video, she informed viewers that it had broken down again. In fact, this was the second time in seven weeks of ownership that she’d had to have what some call one of the top SUVs towed. 

The caption of the video reads, “Back to the dealer for the second time since purchasing seven weeks ago.” Victoria didn’t elaborate on what went wrong with her 2024 Chevy Traverse, but she hints in the comments that it was a transmission issue. However, the SUV doesn’t have the best ratings for reliability, so it could be anything. For starters, some models have issues with the clutch backing plate, which the dealership will fix for free until 2025.

Of course, other Chevy owners chimed in in the comments. Some told stories of having to have their vehicles towed as well. Transmission issues with the SUV seem to be common based on the comments. Naturally, many of the comments called out Chevrolet directly. They say she should have gotten a new Toyota SUV instead of her new Chevy Traverse. 

Still, many people consider the Traverse one of the top SUVs in its segment. This experience doesn’t mean everyone has problems with their Chevys. However, people should research before buying vehicles and look into reliability ratings.