Whenever you see a semi truck on the highway, remember that they're on the clock. And there's no reason for you to make their jobs any harder. Here's how to be mindful around semis.
Whether you've been in an accident or not, a collision avoidance course is a great experience. Not only will you learn safe driving techniques to prevent accidents, but you'll get a feel for your car.
If you're a city commuter, chances are you're damaging your car with every drive. But luckily, there's a simple solution that'll prolong your car's life: take the scenic route.
You can do several things to stave off boredom and make your trip more fun. In the interest of safe and happy driving for all, here are 10 tricks to ensure your road travels are less boring.
Commuting to and from work can be extremely stressful at times. If you're the type that gets stressed out easily, here are three meditation tips that can help keep you calm while you're driving.
Cars with manual transmission aren't as common anymore. These days, almost everyone learns to drive on an automatic and think that driving a manual is beyond their abilities. However, anyone can learn to drive a stick shift with practice. While it may seem harder at first, it can become second nature before too long.
High heels look glamorous once you exit the vehicle, and can also create the illusion that you're a taller driver. Still, given their unpractical design, can you drive in high heels? Here's what CarsGuide has to say.
Very rarely do people actually sit back and look for the deeper meaning in the simple things. That's why today we're digging into why we call them semi-trucks if there's nothing "semi" about them.
One supposedly haunted road lies in New Jersey. While people are driving, they see everything from rituals to floating dogs. One of the most common legends is about a spot under a bridge near Dead Man's Curve. That's where the ghost of a boy reportedly throws coins back to those who toss them.
While some vehicles are built to handle potholes and speed bumps well, most cars take a beating when driving over them unless you can do it safely. Speed bumps are meant to slow down traffic through a specific area. What kinds of speed bumps are we likely to encounter and how should you handle them?
It's been a challenge for states to decide how to determine when someone is high and unable to drive without endangering public safety. Let's look at the difficulties of deciding what too high is and how to recognize when you or someone else is too stoned for driving to be safe.
One tunnel in Church Hill, Tennessee — the Sensabaugh Tunnel — is truly terrifying. Indeed, many motorists believe it's one of the most haunted tunnels in America.
The number of DUIs nationwide has fallen in the past few decades since stricter laws went into effect. But the message still doesn't seem to have gotten through to North Dakota residents who continue to drink and drive despite the risk of deadly accidents.
Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents and deaths. And as much as we treasure our furry friends' company, unrestrained dogs are often a dangerous driving distraction.
Mastery of traffic laws isn't the only key to being a good driver. There are also unwritten driving rules that can make all the difference when keeping the peace and avoiding road rage. To help the new driver in your life, here are the 10 most important driving etiquette tips.
There are some states where alcohol consumption and drunk driving are bigger problems than others. Surprisingly, the 'drunkest' state, Wisconsin, isn't actually the state with the largest number of drunk drivers. That dubious distinction goes to another state in the Midwest.
License plates and cars go together like peanut butter and jelly. In fact, they're legally bound together. But is there ever a time where it's okay to drive without plates?
There's nothing as thrilling as watching cars racing. When you add trucks to the mix, it gets even more exciting. But when you take it one step further and go to a monster truck event, like Monster Jam, you have entertainment for the whole family.
Minimum speed limits aren't as mysterious as they seem when you consider the benefits to daily traffic, car safety, and long-term traffic statistics. For most motorists, minimum speeds aren't an issue (we're more concerned with going over the limit). So who needs those minimum limits, and why do some roads have them?